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port-sync - Update the port definition files

*port* [*-qvd*] *sync*

*port sync* updates the local port definitions (the so-called ports tree) to the
latest state so you have the latest versions of ports available. You should
normally not run *port sync* directly, but use *port selfupdate*, which updates
MacPorts itself and then proceeds to do the same operation as *sync* does. You
can, however, use *port sync* if you know that *selfupdate* does not work on
your system or in your network environment, for example because your network
administrator blocks outbound rsync connections and you have changed your
man:sources.conf[5] to use a different method of obtaining the ports tree.

Running *sync* is required to get updated software with bug fixes and new

When you use *port sync*, it is your responsibility to check whether new updates
are available for MacPorts itself, and update them, when necessary. The MacPorts
project will start to use new features in port definitions one week after the
release of the new version, and you may run into problems when your MacPorts
version has not been updated.


    Suppress status output, be as silent as possible.

man:port[1], man:port-selfupdate[1]

 (C) 2015 The MacPorts Project
 Clemens Lang <cal@macports.org>