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port-list - List available ports

*port* *list*
     [['portname' | 'pseudo-portname' | 'port-expressions' | 'port-url']]

*port list* with no arguments prints a list of all ports available
through MacPorts. If given one or more ports as arguments, it prints the
information only for the latest version of the given port(s). It prints
name, version number and the relative path of the port in the ports tree,
i.e. the name of the primary category followed by the port name.

*port list* will always print the latest *available* version, which is not
necessarily the version you have installed.

This leads to the common mistake that *port list installed* lists the same port
multiple times in the same version. This happens because *installed* expands to
a list of installed ports and their versions, but *port list* ignores the
version and prints the latest available version for each occurrence of a port in
*installed*. In these cases, you should use man:port-installed[1] or
man:port-echo[1] instead. *port installed* and *port echo* also have the
advantage of being much faster.

Pretty much the only use case for *port list* is checking which version of
a specific port is current in MacPorts, or if a port exists at all. Do *not* use
*port list* to print *outdated*, *inactive*, *installed*, *requested*, *leaves*,
or other pseudo-ports. Use man:port-outdated[1], man:port-installed[1], or
man:port-echo[1] instead.

man:port[1], man:port-installed[1], man:port-echo[1], man:port-outdated[1]

 (C) 2014 The MacPorts Project
 Clemens Lang <cal@macports.org>