// vim: set et sw=4 ts=8 ft=asciidoc tw=80: port-contents(1) ================ NAME ---- port-contents - List the files installed by a given port SYNOPSIS -------- [cmdsynopsis] *port* [*-q*] [*-D* 'portdir'] *contents* [--size] [--units 'unit'] [['portname' | 'pseudo-portname' | 'port-expressions' | 'port-url']] DESCRIPTION ----------- *port contents* displays a list of all files that have been installed by a given port. You can only use *contents* for ports that are 'active' and installed. Common uses for *contents* include finding the location of a port's executable after installing it. You can combine *port contents* with other tools to simplify this, e.g. ---- port -q contents asciidoc | grep -E '/s?bin/' ---- OPTIONS ------- *--size*:: Enable printing a human-readable representation of the files' sizes. The size output can be adjusted using the *--units 'unit'* flag. *--units 'unit'*:: Used in conjunction with *--size* to choose the unit in which the size is given. Valid values for 'unit' are *B*::: List sizes in bytes. *K*, *Ki*, *KiB*::: List sizes in KiB, i.e., 1024 bytes. *Mi*, *MiB*::: List sizes in MiB, i.e., 1024 * 1024 bytes. *Gi*, *GiB*::: List sizes in GiB, i.e., 1024 * 1024 * 1024 bytes. *k*, *kB*::: List sizes in kB, i.e., 1000 bytes. *M*, *MB*::: List sizes in MB, i.e., 1000 * 1000 bytes. *G*, *GB*::: List sizes in GB, i.e., 1000 * 1000 * 1000 bytes. include::global-flags.txt[] *-q*:: Do not print the header line. SEE ALSO -------- man:port[1], man:grep[1] AUTHORS ------- (C) 2014 The MacPorts Project Clemens Lang <cal@macports.org>