// vim: set et sw=4 ts=8 ft=asciidoc tw=80: port-bump(1) ============ NAME ---- port-bump - Update the outdated checksums of a Portfile SYNOPSIS -------- [cmdsynopsis] *port* [*-vd*] [*-D* 'portdir'] *bump* [--patch] [['portname' | 'pseudo-portname' | 'port-expressions' | 'port-url']] DESCRIPTION ----------- *port bump* updates the checksums of a Portfile if they are outdated or different than the current version's checksums. Additionally, the revision number will be reset. *port bump* is useful for maintainers to automatically bump the checksums after updating the version number of a port. include::global-flags.txt[] *--patch*:: Create a Portfile.patch file instead of directly overwriting the Portfile. SEE ALSO -------- man:port[1], man:port-fetch[1], man:port-install[1], man:portfile[7] AUTHORS ------- (C) 2019 The MacPorts Project Satryaji Aulia <satraul@macports.org>