1 SetAttributes ---------------------------------------------------------------------- setattributes enables you to change the attributes of an HP SUM node or session.This command might return an invalid parameter notice if the permissions are not correct, or if either the parameter is not part of the requested set or if the value is not allowed. You can set the following node attributes: force, rewrite, downgrade, action, delay, username, password, baseline, ignore_warnings, and message (reboot message). You can set the following Superdome 2 attributes: update_all=[ALL/COMPLEX/PARTITIONS], ignore_warnings, device_list, reboot_list. [NOTE]: If you use the rewrite=true or downgrade=true attributes, you must use forcefirmware=true, forcesoftware=true, or both. You can set the session's open_firewall attribute. 1.1 Syntax hpsum setattributes [--nodes N1] attribute1=value1 attribute2=value2 1.2 Parameters The setattributes command provides the following options: +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Option | Description | |--------------------+---------------------------------------------------| | hpsum | The HP SUM script initiates this action. | |--------------------+---------------------------------------------------| | setattributes | The command to set attributes pending HP SUM | | | operations. | |--------------------+---------------------------------------------------| | --nodes [nodelist] | Specify the nodes and attributes that you want to | | [attribute=value] | apply to nodes. | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1.3 Return codes +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Return Code | Windows | Linux | Text | |------------------------+---------+-------+-----------------------------| | SUCCESS_NO_REBOOT | 0 | 0 | The command was successful. | |------------------------+---------+-------+-----------------------------| | FAILURE_GENERAL | -1 | 255 | A general failure occurred. | | | | | For details, see the logs. | |------------------------+---------+-------+-----------------------------| | | | | A bad input parameter was | | FAILURE_BAD_PARM | -2 | 254 | encountered. For details, | | | | | see the logs. | |------------------------+---------+-------+-----------------------------| | FAILURE_COMMAND_FAILED | -4 | 252 | The command failed. For | | | | | details, see the logs. | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1.4 Example Windows sample command line C:\> hpsum setattributes /nodes localhost force=true force=true rewrite=true C:\> hpsum setattributes / update_type=all C:\> hpsum setattributes /session open_firewall=yes Linux/HP-UX sample command line $ hpsum setattributes --nodes localhost force=true force=true rewrite=true $ hpsum setattributes / update_type=all $ hpsum setattributes /session open_firewall=yes