Dedicated to Ian Murdock

Ian Murdock, the founder of the Debian project, passed away on 28th December
2015 at his home in San Francisco. He was 42.

It is difficult to exaggerate Ian's contribution to Free Software. He led the
Debian Project from its inception in 1993 to 1996, wrote the Debian manifesto
in January 1994 and nurtured the fledgling project throughout his studies at
Purdue University.

Ian went on to be founding director of Linux International, CTO of the Free
Standards Group and later the Linux Foundation, and leader of Project Indiana
at Sun Microsystems, which he described as "taking the lesson that Linux has
brought to the operating system and providing that for Solaris".

Debian's success is testament to Ian's vision. He inspired countless people
around the world to contribute their own free time and skills. More than 350
distributions are known to be derived from Debian.

We therefore dedicate Debian 9 "stretch" to Ian.

-- The Debian Developers